Level 1 & 2

Bikeability is available to all schools across the country and gives children the skills they need to become safe and confident cyclists.
At Take Pride, we offer level 1 and 2 bikeability to schools in the areas of Gravesham and Sittingbourne. Bikeability is for year 5 and 6 pupils, and is delivered across a two day intensive training course by our qualified National Standards Instructors.
Level One
Level 1 bikeability sessions are conducted in a controlled off road, traffic free environment usually in a school playground. This is where the children get a chance to practise and improve on their cycling skills before moving on to Level 2 on the road.
A level 1 session normally lasts a whole morning (~3 hours) and each child must meet a certain criteria before we allow them to cycle on the roads.
Level Two
Level 2 bikeability sessions are delivered on local roads and gives the cyclists real road experience. They will learn how to deal with traffic and how to make decisions dependently on the road. By the end of the course, they will have acquired the necessary skills to make short cycling journeys locally, such as to school.
In order to achieve level 2, the children must reach a set of outcomes with a good level of competency, demonstrating confidence and consistency in their skills.
Please Contact Lorraine Hughes to Book your Bikeability courses - 07930151738 - lorrainetakepride@gmail.com